Counseling for women

You feel like you don't fit in anywhere.

Like there's something wrong with you. Spinning thoughts keep you awake at night. You give and you give and you give to others. And always, there's the underlying "If they really knew me, they wouldn't like me," so you hide your real self. You feel angry and guilty and don't know why. You may not even dare to wish for real happiness.

You want your life to be easier, less intense, not so scary.

You can feel secure in your belonging and wholeness.

You can have better relationships.

You can free your mind from spinning thoughts.

From the moment you enter the therapy room, you will be heard and valued.

We'll talk and share and get to know one another, building trust and our working relationship. Together we'll figure out what matters most to you, right now. And from these conversations we'll tease out goals and make a plan for achieving them. We'll work hard together, at a pace that's comfortable to you, tracking progress and successes, switching things up, slowing down, or adding new topic whenever we need to. 

Your needs drive the therapy process.

We might do mindfulness activities to clear up stress and help you sleep at night; learn communication skills to increase your self-confidence and help you get your needs met at home and work; work on deeper family patterns to change the ways you relate; use EMDR or meditation to help discharge icky memories; work together in person or virtually, or have homework so you can practice in real time. 

When the pain becomes too much, email me at for a free 15 minute telephone consultation where we'll talk about how our work together can get you feeling better.

You DO belong!