Healing from anxiety, trauma, and panic

You feel panic, heart racing, sweating, like you can’t breathe

You sleep with the lights on, if you sleep at all so you can see into each room from your bed, if you finally fall asleep and reawaken before morning. Certain smells, sounds, and touches can make you cringe, startle, or scream. You've survived domestic abuse, rape, childhood trauma, or combat, but it's still with you, especially at night.

You may be experiencing anxiety - that freeze, flee, or fight feeling.

Other people don't understand why you don't go out much, drink to forget, avoid places and people that cause flashbacks, trigger you, or remind you of the past. Maybe the words post-traumatic stress or PTSD or panic are running though your mind. You've tried sorting it out alone, certain you should be over it by now. You've researched online, read self-help books, and joined online groups. You've resisted counseling because you don't want to live through the hell again.

But the memories and feelings keep getting in the way of your work, relationships, pleasure, parenting, and home life. You have sick memories that just couldn't be real, night terrors where you're chased or caught, sweaty panic when you should be fine, and, most unlike you: rage. These are some common reactions of even long-past traumas.

You don't have to live like this anymore!

I use cutting-edge treatment to help you get over your past in ways that don't require you to talk about it.

Email me for a 15-minute phone consultation to learn more about finally, finally, overcoming your past. You can feel safe and whole again.

Life can get better!

Looking for more information? Find out more about what EMDR is. I can also help with that.